Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Queen Regnant or Empress or ????

So … Jean Quinn, member of the BOD quit or resigned or got kicked out or something.
And then …. Jill Schachter, the all powerful PRESIDENT of the BOD appointed or anointed
Maggie Seminara Warford as Jean’s replacement.

Did the remaining three, Fran Rothkin 54-40 Apt. 5F, Barry Nelson 54-40 2R and Alicia Spiegel 54-44 6N, have a part in the decision? Did they simply follow orders? 

The appropriate thing to do was announce a vacancy. And next ...
Ask Shareholders to submit indications of interest to serve on the Board.
The arrogant disrespectful thing to do is what they did. 

Question: Who gave them the ‘right’ and the ‘power’ to do whatever they want?
Answer: You, the Shareholders did. You let it happen. You did nothing. (Some are trying.)
Are you powerless, timid, dead sheep? Are you spineless jellyfish?

The current BOD is making bad decisions.
Their actions are costing you money. (Assessments, repairs, legal fees, etc.)
The value of your home/investment is falling. And it will get worse.
Is your attitude is ‘let someone else’ fix the problems?
If so, you are part of the problem. DO SOMETHING!
Volunteer to help.

Action: Confront members of the Board. Demand all arbitrary assessments be rescinded. Demand full disclosure. Demand we (Shareholders) have access to all records. If they don’t listen and respond, perhaps they have hearing problems. In that case speak VERY LOUDLY. Shout at them,STOP WASTING OUR MONEY!”. Contact the NYS Attorney General’s Office. I sent you the complaint form. If you need it, we will send it again. Contact every neighbor and get them involved.
Do it now! (All the above.) 

*Note – A shareholder is now in contact with the NYS AG office. One complaint is received and being worked on. Hopefully, more will follow. 

Important – Please read notes and comments from fellow Shareholders. 

Sample Letters from Shareholders to vasc11362@aol.com

From LUDVA     Subject: Ayatollah Schachter
What is wrong with her? She is a sick lady.
She has no right to yell and make fun at people. She makes jokes about old people, young people, foreign born people.She is nasty at everybody.
I asked why we got assessed and other things. She yelled and threaten me.
I will vote against her and all her friends.
Who should I vote for. Please write names of people who are good neighbors.
Thank you A neighbor.

From Levelheaded I would like to know why we don't have a surplus in our operating account.....we had a very mild winter, so our heating bills must have been extremely low as compared to past years, as well as little/no snow removal costs....where's the money? Someone I know who is running for the board would have informed shareholders of this money (not in exact amounts) and considered 1) pay down the mortgage 2) capital improvements 3) Local law 11 compliance 4) roof 5) landscaping 6) actually hire an engineer to find what's wrong with our water 7) maybe even hire a REAL NAMED forensic accountant to help us go after stolen money 8) get those contractors back into the building to finish the crappy job on the hallways 9) pay off the mechanics lien 10) upgrade the lobby ..... Or maybe just put it aside for a rainy day and make our books better. WHERE'S THE PRIORITIES? To the current BOD, use your heads, we as shareholders are not stupid and deserve information!

more to come ....


  1. Could not have said it any better!!!!!!!

  2. At this point it doesn't matter who's running. Vote for them. Trust me, I know who they are and they have the three I's: Intellect, Integrity and Insight, as well as shareholders who will be supportive of them in every way. Every single Board member must be voted off. Do not waste your votes on re=electing ANY of them.

  3. The priorities of our current board are completely out of sync with the very urgent needs of the Valerie arms. Priority should not be given to the pool which will only be used for a couple of months. Rather the priority should be to fix the roof! Has anyone noticed that it hes been raining the last couple of days; on and off. Guess we should be expecting the painter again. The priority should be to fix the plumbing and not allow people to live with putrid water. But more importantly where is the money coming from? Yes that's right...the so called assessments. If some shareholdrts have already been treated with disrespect it's only a matter of time before we all would have had a confrontation with the board. This board has got to go! Change must come to the Valerie Arms! Vote for the people who have experience in these matters and who can collectively bring this building into a new era of financial stability; offering an attractive investment to future buyers.

  4. I'm just looking forward to seeing Marc back on the board. Heard brian might run too.

  5. How come there's been no work on the pool project the last couple of days? Was there an inspection? Were there violations? Is there a Stop Work Order? Who is the contractor? Why were they putting up that ridiculous plywood barrier around the pool Saturday?


  6. LevelHeaded (hope its not a misnomer), I heard they are both running. Would be ideal to have lawyers who actually run their own businesses.

  7. Those two should be running mates in this year's Presidential Election for christsake!

  8. Imagine that! Two lawyers and three other qualified and educated people on the board! It would be an awesome sight to behold. Shareholders would have confidence again!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Either a lot of ppl are reading they blog and posting no comments, or not enough people are visiting. I want this blog to accomplish what it was intended for, and I believe that intention was to educate shareholders that they may not be aware of. I think it would be best to try and talk to ppl in person without making too many personal attacks. Lets stick to facts that affect everyone like finances and communication. I think we have a better chance for the new BOD

  11. So now we have to deal with someone WHO LIVES IN ATLANTA ON THE Board? Why do we need somebody who doesn't live in the Valerie telling us what to do? How can somebody who lives thousands of miles away run our building?

    Maggie Seminara Warford flew into New York for last year's election to tell us how wonderful it would be to have Jill Schachter on the Board. (How's that working out for us?) Now Jill appoints Maggie to the Board right before this year's election because Maggie couldn't get elected on her own last year. Does anybody smell a pay off?

    1. I saw Maggie Warford's name on the list of Concerned Shareholders who signed the 17 page letter asking questions about our money and how the Board was allowing Peter Mesos and Vision Management rip us off.

      Did Maggie get answers that nobody else got or did Jill promise her a Board seat if she'll stop asking questions and join the Jill Schachter cheerleading squad?

      We all saw how badly Maggie wanted to be on the Board last year. Now she goes from being a "trouble maker" (that's what Jill Schachter and Peter Mesos call the 26 shareholders who signed the 17 page letter)to being a Board Member. I smell a corrupt deal -- Maggie stops asking questions and gets a Board seat.

      It's time for a totally new Board.

    2. A Shareholder has stated:

      "IS THERE A RULE" about harassment of residents.
      SHE (Jill Schachter) seems to be guilty of that.

      Get rid of the Board and STOP THE HARASSMENT. It is enough.

      Jill for you and your friends, it is a lost battle. Give up your fight.

    3. Shareholders voted several years ago to only allow resident shareholders to be on the board. Is Mrs. Warford moving back into the building after 3o years of renting her apartment out? She is so lively, it should be fun to have her around.

    4. Maggie is not coming back to the building. The only thing she's interested in is being able to sublet her apartment forever and sucking as much profit out of the Valerie as she can.

  12. As we all know, Maggie cannot be trusted. She was slamming Jill when she was signing off on the 17 page letter, then Jill calls her because (she needs more allies,she see's all her enemies) with her sinister behavior and makes Maggie think she's important. You can pull the wool over the seniors and the pool-goers eyes Jill Schachter, but the informed shareholder's who know what's REALLY going on, will not allow you to neglect and lie to and abuse shareholder's anymore! VOTE THE BOD OFF!

  13. Both Jill and Maggie are a DANGER to our building and to the board.

    You certainly can not trust Jill with her threats to everyone she meets and you definitely can not trust Maggie.


    So anyone noticing the mud at our pool.

    I went to the NYC Department of Buildings Website - YES WE HAVE A STOP WORK ORDER and today a crew shows up to work at the pool.


    Also, noticed on the NYC Dept. of Buildings website that there are other violations - to be exact 19 open active violations starting from year 2006 to present all for Elevators.


    Again, the lack of concern from our management company for our property. Lets just make sure that Peter Mesos gets his monthly fee and do nothing for that fee. ENJOY PETER MESOS, I AM SURE THE ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE WILL BE KNOCKING SOON.


    To our Ex-President (and hopefully new upcoming President) was there anything ever written about an Out-Of-Town Shareholder being on the Board. Help us find the answer????????

    To all, check out the NYC Department of Buildings website.

    1. 19 elevator violations since 2006? Just another example of Vision Management's incompetence, negligence or dare we say "corruption".

      This is one that I missed, and I apologize to all of my fellow shareholders for not knowing that we had repeated elevator-related violations. Vision Management, for reasons we can only speculate about, failed to disclose these ongoing problems to the Board of Directors. Whoever discovered this situation has done a service to all residents at the Valerie, and we should thank them.

      When you vote at the election in June, please remember that Jill Schachter and the rest of her Board of Directors fought tooth and nail to keep Vision as out Management Company -- and has promised retribution against shareholders who dared to ask questions about what Peter Mesos was doing with our money and why he wasn't taking care of our property. Now we know that he was hiding even more problems from us.

      Vision is finally gone; let's finish the job.

  14. A Shareholder has stated:

    "So Jill has formed an alliance with Maggie?...hmmm..So what Maggie preaches may have been less than it seems...An Out-of-Towner for a Board member?...Doesn't Jill have any other friends to appoint to the Board?...hmmm..What happened to her best buddies Scott, Joe, or Alica?...Soon Jill will appoint the non-shareholders to the Board...hmmm..Smells very fishy"


  15. I cannot understand how stupid the Valerie Arms Board of Directors could be post in writing that Buildings Department issues baseless and false citations even where there isn't a violation because they are upset with their own lives as Buildings Inspectors. I am sure that will go over real well should there be another inspection.

    As for this Board's claims that shareholder complaints that work is being done without permits and in unsafe manner just cost us all more money for this renovation. I ask this, wouldn't it be cheaper and easier to do this pool renovation legally? Or is cutting corners how multimillion dollar corporations are supposed to get major renovations done for 20% of the shareholders to enjoy.

  16. Excuuuuuse me Jill Schachter- the first day of pool reno, your frined Mike from the 40 bldg, was observed running through the lobby yelling to "find Jimmy, there is concrete flying all over the pool and it is going to wreck someone's car or hurt someone". he then went on to shake his head and say "everyone around here is an asshole". Why don't you go know on Mr. Y's door Jill Schacter and threaten to fine him! If this poor-excuse-for-a-human-being dares to charge yet another unfounded assessment, there will be quite an uprise.

  17. What adult does not know that when you hire a contractor to tear up concrete around plumbing, electrical, and sewer lines, that permits are needed to ensure that the structural integrity of surrounding buildings is not compromised. Maybe we should all feel bad because Jill claims she is being picked on. If she did not know that a permit was needed then she has NO business running the affairs of the Valerie Arms. Only an idiot would not know that. And if the contractor was unaware that they needed a permit then they should not be licensed to do this kind of work.

    I gotta tell you guys, I am scared. Not scared of Jill, Maggie, or the rest of the Board. They are cowards with no true power in life. That is why they are drawn to a Co-Op Board. It makes them feel important. I am scared of the damage Jill has done since she took over North Valerie Arms. Maybe when she steps down her daughter can take over.

  18. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  19. To all shareholders

    As you are aware Marc Ullman's letter was received yesterday. No matter how any shareholder feels about Marc, the truth has NOW and FINALLY COME OUT about Vision Management and the past Board of Directors and the resignation of Marc & Jennifer.

    Shareholders, make one mental note, Jill Schachter and Harvey Berman were both on the board at the time these two letters were presented to the Board.

    How did Jill manipulate Harvey into making believe these letters did not exist?

    For Harvey - you should be ashamed of yourself. A long time Board Member, who allowed Jill Schachter to control you. I am glad you are leaving our building. Goodbye to bad rubbish.

    For Jill - you should also be ashamed of yourself. What reason will you give at the board meeting about these two letters? Do not even try to say that you had no idea about these letters, because you will be called out ALL OUT LIAR.

    Jill Schachter claims to be a professional and an executive for Macy's. Jill you are far from a professional. You are an evil, lonely, woman, who loves to CONTROL AND THREATEN if you do not get your way. You and your family deserve what a bad life has to offer.

    Jill you should be ashamed to show your face around our buildings.



    1. If you know so much and are so skilled why are you not running? Just another back seat driver?

    2. Maybe they are running.

      Maybe they don't want to be singled out for harassment by Jill Schachter who threatening anyone who signed the 17 page letter asking questions about our money.

      Maybe they don't want to be subjected to the same kind of vile, vicious attacks that Marc Ullman has been subjected to.

      Maybe they don't want to have their careers threatened by Jill they way Marc Ullman and Brian Pascale have.

      Let Jill and her toadies keep running around the building trying to figure out who is running against them along with Marc and Brian. They look like chickens without heads -- which is a really good look for them.

  20. Hey Patpnt, are you a Board Member? If so, just wondering why the Board FAILED to get a permit before doing work on the Pool. In New York City any time major work like this is done permits are required due to the dangers involved in having electricity in close proximity to water, not to mention the removal of concrete which could damage our building or the support for the adjacent garage.

    In the end whose fault is it that the Co-Op may have been fined. Is it the person or persons who made calls because they saw unsafe work conditions and practices going on and did not feel like getting electrocuted to death this year when they took a swim? Or is the Board's fault for their failure to have the common sense that this was a potential danger and obtain a permit before doing whatever they wished? I think the answer is obvious. The fault for this fine lies with the Board.

    To make matters worse, the Board actually has the audacity to post taunts to the Building Department Inspectors. Very intelligent and professional!

    I can't wait for the Shareholders' Meeting. I am sure it will be loads of fun. Too bad the Board hasn't announced whether they have secured a date yet. I am sure it will begin with Jill attempting to get on her soapbox reading a single spaced 10 page statement of drivel thinking that we will actually allow her to abuse shareholders who have voiced real concerns. I am sure she will attempt to silence anyone who dares to question the Board or Vision , and their competence, or lack there of. Remember something, aside from her own perceived power to fine shareholders, Jill and this Board lack any thing to attempt to harm you. I am sure she would fine everyone on this blog if she could for posting statements. The truth is, she has no authority to silence anyone through fines or threats for a person's exercise of the right to Free Speech.

  21. I wonder how many times a day Jill Schachter stops her work for Macy's to read this blog.

    1. Too busy threatening people with loss of parking spot, no renewal lease for their tenants,etc unless they pony up their proxies. When not doing this, out shopping for construction paper, frames, etc.

    2. Patpnt...sounds like you are having qualms as well. Sorry for thinking you were one of the BOD.

    3. patpnt -- If you or someone you know is being blackmailed by the Board with the threat of having a sublease rejected unless you provide a proxy, YOU NEED TO CALL THE QUEENS COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY. THIS IS A CRIME -- it is called EXTORTION.

      The main number at the Queens DA's Office is (718)286-6000. The number for the Investigations Division is (718)286-6600.

      You should record any telephone call where you expect this threat to be made. In New York, it is legal for one party to record a telephone call without telling any other party to the call.

      You should also keep in mind that you cannot be forced to give an irrevocable proxy. If you are really being told that your sublease application will be rejected, you can give the proxy (make sure you document exactly what is happening in your files), go to the District Attorney, and then show up at the election, tell everyone about Jiill/Board's crimes and then cast your votes yourself. The proxy that was extorted from you would be invalid.

      If you do not know that Jill/the BOD is doing this, please do not start this kind of rumor. The Board's malfeasance is bad enough without any need to elaborate.

    4. I agree with the Ex-President. If Jill or the Board is telling you, or someone you know anything of the kind it is ILLEGAL. If you need assistance I am sure someone on this blog will know how to help you.

      Is this the case? Have you, or a friend been extorted for a Proxy? If it is contact the blog moderator. I am sure they will know who to put you in contact with at the District Attorney's office.

      If it is just a guess please do not post it here as we would like to at least maintain some decorum of professionalism.

    5. To Patpnt and any other shareholder who has been threatened by Jill Schachter: In New York State it is illegal to compel or induce a person to engage in conduct which the latter has a legal right to abstain from engaging in, or to abstain from engaging in conduct in which he or she has a legal right to engage. That crime is called coercion.

      If you have been told to stop asking questions about Jill under the threat of having your sublet application rejected, your property rights damage or your reputation destroyed, YOU CAN CALL THE POLICE and file charges. They are for "coercion in the second degree".

      (What would Jill Schachter's bosses at Macy's say if they knew this is how she behaved?)

  22. To Patpnt,

    Need not to worry, there are many skilled professionals who plan on running, in addition to Marc and Brian. All in due time you will know who they are.

    Back seat drivers usually get hurt the worst in a collision, and this Board and Management Company have made our finances, living conditions and overall community a nightmare collision that will take a long time to repair.

    PATPNT, I am sure you are a Board Member or one of the good friends of the Board.

    It is time for you and everyone else to take a good look what has happened to our building, to our community and to us be respectful to all our neighbors. Our building has gone to SHIT Jill, the Board and Jill friends have taken over.

    Ask why 5 (FIVE) Board Members have resigned since November 2012.

    PATPNT - From One Back Seat Driver to another Back Seat Driver - I think that it is time for all the shareholders to demand action be taken by the Attorney General's office and begin a lawsuit against Peter Mesos and Vision Enterprises for stealing our money for 30+ years and a lawsuit against the Board of Directors.

    Again, all in due time all the skilled professional candidates will announce themselves.

  23. As all of you know Jill's dear friend and shake-down-Super of the decade Julio, tried last year to get shareholders proxies (for Jill), telling them he would not do work for them if they didn't hand it over. This resulted in punishment, but should have been his termination.
    Shareholder's that rented parking spots before Jill's Hitler rules were posted, had them taken away by harrassment, as her friends got moved to the top of the waiting list.
    Now Jill has a folder with the fliers (for her re-election) that MANY concerned shareholder's posted all over the bldg. They were simply questions. There was a couple that were photo shopped and are hilarious. Whoever concoted Jill with her hand up Harvey's arse, or her as the great dictator ahould be commended. Jill Schachter thinks people are horrified by these posters, when in fact we are all laughing behind her back. These posters depicted what was really going on. I have to commend the shareholders who have had the b**ls to stand up against the BOD and voice their opinions. Mr. Ullman, your letter received yesterday says it all. Jill Schacter is a snake. a liar, a floosy and just a schmatta salesperson in Macy's. Executive my____. She should just resign and get it over with. The humiliation she is about to endure, oh boy!

  24. Shows Jill's charachter that this is who she wants to permanently memorialize at the Valerie. Why would people want to pay for such a monument or grave site.

  25. Poor Jill still so angry that your poor Peter Mesos ran away. It was kind of like losing a family member isn't it.

    Thirty years of ripping us off was enough. Jill SCHACHTER and her bod will be the next to go.
