Sunday, June 10, 2012

Election QUESTIONS + BAD News

Candidates: Who are the candidates? Why are they candidates? What are their qualifications? What are their priorities? Candidates and current Board Members: We invite you to post a brief resume and anything you believe Shareholders should know about you, your ideas and anything else.
Shareholders: We invite you briefly ask questions, make comments and submit ideas.
This blog and the VASC (Valerie Arms Shareholder Committee) will continue after the coming election. We represent Shareholders, not the Board Members, not the Sponsor, not any group nor any employees.
If you participate you will help influence our future. If you don’t, you deserve all the bad things that will happen.
Remember: Evil succeeds when good men do nothing.”  “Those who do nothing in face of evil, are evil”.
- Edmund Burke, Albert Einstein, Elie Wiesel and others.
Candidates: (if not accurate, please correct)
Adam Grynberg: Maggie Seminara Warford: Barry Nelson: Fran Rothkin:
Alicia Spiegel:  Jill Schachter:  Jasmine Melendez:   Michael Ciotta 
(Fran Rothkin 54-40 Apt. 5F, Barry Nelson 54-40 2R and Alicia Spiegel 54-44 6N)
I/we assume the remaining current Boards Members are candidates. I/we don’t want to misrepresent their backgrounds, etc. Please submit what you believe is appropriate.
Bad news: Another reason the delayed/missing financial statements are important.  (Rumor, not verified) Valerie Arms has financial problems which are stopping banks, etc. from making mortgage committments. NOT verified. Ask local RE Agents for additional and more accurate info.
Shareholders: Please submit questions, comments ideas, etc.
If you wish, e-mail a letter (brief) or note to .


  1. I'd like to know about the pool.

    The Board of Directors has told us that the cost for the new skimmers, pipes and cement will be at least $40,000. What was the actual cost? How much does this work out to per share?

    The pool runs at a defect every year, so all shareholders are already subsidizing something that is used only by a small minority of residents. How much did the Board spend on the new tables, chairs and umbrellas at the pool? How does the Board justify making all shareholders pay for these amenities that will be used by only a few residents?

    Since every shareholder is subsidizing the pool and we all paid for the new furniture and we are all paying for the repair project, how come we are all not allowed to use the pool; it's costing every one of us money.

    1. And -- I'd like Treasurer Alicia Speigel to take just a moment from her busy schedule and answer this question:



    2. Many use the pool area for free since a former president decreed that those not in bathing suits do not have to pay even a token amount although they use chairs that are purchased and cleaned with building funds. During the week guest passes are rarely collected, especially later in the day. The refrigerator is very old and not energy efficient and used only by a few people. So there is room to decrease the deficit a bit, plus the pool does increase the value of every apartment (but yes, those who own multiple apts benefit more).

  2. I would like to know how much the hallway renovations cost? What is included? Does this include the $25,000 we threw out on the roof? Was the contractor completely paid? How come they never came back to fix the defective work? How come the carpet installation was never fixed?n How come the contractor never finished painting the doors? How come the contractor never came back and cleaned off the saddles in front of everyones apartment door?

  3. I, Michael Ciotta, would like to take the opportunity on behalf of my running mates, Jasmine Melendez and Adam Grynberg, to thank anyone and everyone who has supported our efforts to run for the Board of Directors in June 2012. I’d also like to thank Barry Nelson and Fran Rothkin from the current Board of Directors for helping to demonstrate that it is possible for people to agree on some issues, while disagreeing on others and still get along well, as we shared campaign space in early June. It was nice to have like-minded people in the room with us as we make our best efforts to look toward the future, with a focus on the finances and overall well-being of the building.

    I would also like to take this opportunity to recognize that this blog has received much attention, which proves that it is an efficient and valuable tool for disseminating information to a large audience. While I respect the house rule prohibiting the passing of materials under apartment doors, I also realize that this rule has created a communication wall between shareholders, and has made it very expensive and time consuming to have communication between shareholders. For this reason, I support the continued use of an internet-based communications tool for all shareholders after this election is over, whether it is this blog or something else.

    I must also add, on behalf of my running mates, that while we support the use of internet-based communication, we do not support the personal attacks on individuals inside and outside of the building, regardless of whether they are affiliated with us or not. We believe in a high level of professional conduct, which is why we have made the highest efforts to not speak negatively of anybody, including those who have tried to tarnish our image. We have not distributed hate mail, or tried to use emails that we had access to against anybody. We hold to our campaign platform of being “value-based”, concentrating on finances and overall shareholder well-being instead of blame on past Boards and personal attacks. Barry Nelson asked me a great question in a conversation we had recently: “Where do we go from here?" (referring to the building and overall relationships) I believe that is the best question we can all ask as we look forward to a better future together.

    I thank Joel for putting together a site that allows for free communication, but I also only support that which is professional and constructive for the building. The word blog is not synonymous with “complaint forum” or “attack forum.” I look forward to seeing this electronic communications tool assist in the building of the Valerie Arms community, and for civil exchange of ideas.

  4. I would like to know how much was spent on the new chairs and tables for the pool?

    We have been told that we cannot afford $90 a month to have water in the gym, and that we have to explain to our vendors that we cannot pay our bills but somehow we are able to buy new tables and chairs? This does not make any sense.

  5. For all of the shareholders who finally received the ridiculously late financial report:

    IT STATES: In 2011, management discovered that they inadvertently did not bill certain shareholders for parking and/or gym membership. Management is in the process of identifying the missed billings and anticipates billing shareholders in 2012. As of December 31, 2011, management estimates recoverable missed billings for parking and gym fees to be approximately $15,000 and $10,000, respectively, and has provided for thee additional revenues in the 2011 financial statements.

    If you go back and review Marc Ullmans materials...Isn't this one of the items that he was complaining about??? (Maybe you should go back and re-read the materials sent from Marc Ullman)

    This should vindicate him definition below:
    1. To clear of accusation, blame, suspicion, or doubt with supporting arguments or proof:

    Now you have proof! How much more Money has Vision stolen from us?? This number sounds low.

    If Peter Mesos will admit to $25,000 HOW MUCH MONEY IS REALLY MISSING?

  6. Obvious that the board found out and fired Vision but let Vision off if it agreed to pay and also say it had quit and the reason was Mr. Ullman. Nice trick to get re-elected, but not a the response that the shareholders deserve.

    1. Doubt BOD "fired" Vision: Too much money spent trying to protect Mesos and Vision. Situation so bad that no choice but to give up an leave.

      Question: How much is really missing? How much did of our money did Mesos/Garris and others at Vision pocket over 30 years?

      Schachter desperate to justify wasting our money protecting Mesos: Why? What does she get out of this?

      Shareholders need to read footnotes carefully -- much is dirt burried in there. Ask questions and demand answers.

  7. To All - Financial Statements have arrived.

    Based upon all questions that have been asked since November and that 17 page letter that we all received, some other questions you should be asking: (please note I am not an accountant, but I can read a financial statement):::

    Accounts Payable - Money we Owe - from $ 199K to $322K; Why so much of a jump and why aren't our bills being paid???

    Security Deposits Payable - Move In/Move Out Deposits - It Finally arrived on the financials. Last year Jules Simon showed $ 19,250; This financial shows last year as $ 91,100 - SMELL A RAT - MISSING MONEY OF $ 71,850.00 APPEARED: Where did this money come from? Who had this money? SMELL A RAT.

    Administrative fees - Up $ 77,774 from last year - Why? SMELL A RAT - Did Vision charge us an extra $ 71,850; then give us back $71,850 towards the Security Depoists? SMELL A RAT

    General Expenses - Up $ 21,289 from last year - WHAT IS GENERAL EXPENSES? $ 21,289 EXTRA in General Expenses. Why? SMELL A RAT.

    Uniforms Expense - UP $ 15,205 from last year - Where the Blue Shirts and Blue Pants made of gold for $ 15,205? Did we clean the Uniforms also? Did we pay for uniforms for another Vision Building? Why? SMELL A RAT.

    Doors and Locks - UP $ 5,269 from last year - This extra cost is for all the new locks and keys to all the places that Jill changed for her and her friends protection. Maybe Jill and her friends should pay for this directly.

    Office Expenses - almost $ 22K in office expenses; that is close to $ 2K per month for paper, pens, and others supplies. No, this is for Jill's Bullentin Boards; Pictures of Cookie Party and Social Gatherings; Garbabge Room Frames and letter; Coffee; Soda; and BOTTLED WATER FOR THE STAFF - NOT FOR THE GYM.

    Rental Income for Commercial Tenants is DOWN by $ 107K. Why is it down? Jill has a new group of Real Estate agents, why didn't she call one of them to help? But we know the answer per Jill, "Ms. Ellen Vestrich has brought down the prices in our building"; Jill does Ellen have anything to do with the Commercial Real Estate in the building. Again, why down $ 107K.

    These are just my comments. I hope that you see the same as I do.



  8. It would be nice if the Board would answer some questions on the blog. They obviously read it Co.sidering how much time is spent complaining about it. It would save us $125 on another mailing. And it would save time at the June 19 meeting. Then we could pay more attention to making sure that votes are properly counted.
