Wednesday, June 20, 2012

VA Annual Meeting Observations

The new Management Company (MGRE) introduced themselves.
 They seem OK, so far. Go to their website:
 QuestionThey proudly proclaim the NYARM has awarded MGRE the 2011 “Management Company of the year … again”. Who is the NYARM?  Go to: . You will discover you can join for $700+ and be eligible for awards and other stuff. Why did MGRE do this? 
The new accountants (WMK&G) told us stuff that didn’t make sense to me. Did they read what they wrote?  They clearly and repeatedly implied the information and data they received is questionable, the Annual Report may not be reliable, but not their fault. They ended by implying VA’s finances are OK or maybe not. I believe our condition is confused at best and possibly nearing KAPUT!
WMK&G’s website is:  WMK&G does not claim to be Super or Best or Award Winners or anything. It makes them more believable. (Questions were not allowed)  
Adam Leitman Bailey (The Super Lawyer) ran the meeting. He began with a totally inappropriate speech making allegations against Shareholders and pushing for the election of the people who pay him.  More about Bailey’s tirade to come. 
Bailey’s website is: .
 Bailey is ranked in Chambers USA. Chambers USA website: . He is also a “Super Lawyer’. Super Lawyers:
(*Super Lawyer, Chambers ranking and endless designations, awards, etc. are available for dollars. You can become ‘titled’ and ‘landed’ nobles in England or Scotland for under $50. )
Bailey refused to allow questions from Shareholders. When Shareholders nosily objected and didn’t follow his orders, he became very agitated. He hopped around, repeatedly squawked and screamed and threatened to, ‘Call Security, Call the Police, etc.’ Some Shareholders were outraged, many disappointed and some amused.
Most of the Shareholders seemed like an assortment of ‘nice’ middle-class people, typical average Shareolders, voters, etc. The candidates spoke. The comments of the current Beard Members (BM) seemed similar, orchestrated and rehearsed. When current BMs mention they gave money for ‘free’ food the Shareholders grunted approval. Some mooed. It was dangerous to be near the ‘refreshment’ table to get stuff. 
At that point (approximately 8:40 PM) I 'had it' and left.
Marc reported; Election results; Jill Maggie Barry Alicia Adam
I keep repeating myself. Repeat again:  Albert Einstein – “ Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”
Re: Comment from Shareholder (nal888)
On another subject - Joel we do not need a shareholder committee, we need a dedicated board. That is the shareholders' committee. And no, it should not consist of investors who do not live in the building or shareholders who own multiple apartments. It should consist of those who think of the Valerie as their home, period.”
I agree we need a “dedicated board.” Sadly, our BOD has a sad track record and questionable goals. Question: Why do they refuse to answer our questions? Answer: There are things they want to hide and don't want Shareholders to know.
If you belive what they report to you, you are as gullible and foolish as they think.
We need a Shareholders Committee to keep the BOD, Management, and Staff ‘honest’. We need Shareholders to report problems, make suggestions, etc. We need a Blog, controlled by Shareholders, to provide Shareholders a ‘platform’.  If I misspoke, apologies.
nal888, Thanks for input. I keep asking for help. I need help. Will you help?
More to come ….

Election results: Jill Maggie Barry Alicia Adam
"The people have spoken".


  1. Refreshing, a mgmt co that does not own apts in the bldg or let their mgt agent and office staff buy apts. Or so it seems. Their website says that they go to board meetings and are hands on. So I guess with a board president who is dictatorial, demanding, threatening, who spends shareholder money for personal rather than building issues - can we start a pool on how soon they dump us? I say 3-6 months, unless they have a contract they can't get out of for a year. See their Valerie page -

    1. I guess the first test will come when shareholders request some of the information they we were told we could have if we put in written requests to the new management company after July 1.

      Mark Greenberg has a pretty good reputation. Will he be willing to risk his good name if Jill tells him to ignore shareholder requests for lawyer bills and parking lot regulations?

  2. Last year the Board of Directors told us how many votes each of the candidate received in the election.

    Why the secrecy this year?

  3. Your answer:

    Because you had a different board of directors LAST YEAR!
