Monday, June 18, 2012

VA 6/19/12 VOTE

It appears the current BOD wants to be elected. The signs posted indicate they are running as a group or clump or something. The silence of Alicia Spiegel, Barry Nelson and Fran Rothkin lead me to believe they agree with and endorse Jill Schachter’s words, actions and behavior. Maggie Warford pleaded for Schachter’s forgiveness and acceptance. So, I assume she stands with the others.
Adam Grynberg, Jasmine Melendez and Mike Ciotta sent us their resumes and outlined some of their intentions. They want to ‘fix’ things.

Jill and Maggie seem to believe the solution for our problems is blame Marc Ullman for everything, call Shareholders names and have parties. (Marc may be responsible for the economic crisis in Greece, wildfires in Colorado and Chernobyl) Marc stated he is not a candidate. 
We have major financial and management problems. Hopefully, the new management company will help. We also need a new and better BOD. Blaming others and being nasty is no solution.
*Personal note: I like ‘fix’ and nice better than blame, nasty and angry. 
Repeat: Einstein: 'Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results.' 
Problems: Our financial condition is a ‘mystery’. We are spending more money than we take in. We face huge expenses in the near future and have no plan. We are wasting money on ‘nonsense’ and giving away Shareholder money. We refuse to keep Shareholders informed. (What are they hiding?)

And ... Why do we OVERPAY for everything?
A major problem and source of our problems is you and me. We, Shareholders, are failing to do our job.  A co-op/Democracy works only if Shareholders/citizens do our job. We are failing. We are lazy, ‘sheep-like’, misguided, misled, and stupid and/or a combination of all.  We must be involved.
We need improvement
I thank all the Board Members, past, present and future for your time and efforts and all the good things you did, are doing and will do. I admonish you for all the nasty, petty, stupid and bad things you did, are doing and will do.
We need improvement! 
Vote wisely.
Important! The Valerie Arms Shareholder Committee and Blog can be valuable. We need finance communication, house rules and other committees to monitor what is happening, etc. I am a non-resident Shareholder. I need you help with the Blog. I will help. It is easy and can be fun. Please contact me.    Joel


  1. Dear Board of Directors:

    I'd be curious to know how much we all paid Adam Bailey for that great letter we all received yesterday? Did we really need our lawyer to write a letter to shareholders to try and make them feel good about events in the building? Is that what we pay him for? Do we have him on the BLAME BANDWAGON now? Let's let him concentrate on the legal issues and leave the emotional stuff to those who are invested.

    Shareholder who thinks intelligently.

    1. Going by the amount of the assessment, he is getting $8 grand a month. But for what legal issues? Just because a lawyer who is a shareholder sends a letter, this does not constitute a legal issue. If a doctor sends a letter, does that become a medical issue? The lawyer should be there in case of a real legal question, such as determining the privileges of those who bought as investors but never lived in the buildings. He should not be paid by the shareholders to come up with ideas that will keep the current board in power like community rooms and cookie parties. Those fees should be paid personally by the board.
      On another subject - Joel we do not need a shareholder committee, we need a dedicated board. That is the shareholders' committee. And no, it should not consist of investors who do not live in the building or shareholders who own mulitple apartments. It should consist of those who think of the Valerie as their home, period.

    2. When you look at that letter, it's pretty clear that Mr. Bailey realizes that he has a cash cow and will do whatever he can to try and keep the current BOD in place so that he can keep on billing us.

  2. If anyone on the current Board is reading this, I am very curious to hear some feedback at tonight's meeting. I do not understand why it says in posted Board minutes that we are having trouble paying our bills, but yet are choosing to pay Adam Bailey to write an emotional notification to all of the shareholders. This is not an attack on any single person on the Board, but I just dont understand what the process is that would approve this sort of funds allocation when we are experiencing financial challenges? Please enlighten us at the meeting tonight or post on the blog. It would save us all a bunch of money rather than having another letter sent to us.
