Monday, August 20, 2012

VA Blog Update AUG 21 2012

Question: Does anyone care?
Shareholders elect a BOD. The BOD is supposed to act for and protect Shareholders. When ‘bad’ things happen, Shareholders must act. If Shareholders don’t act, they are fools. 
Bad things are happening at VA. Our financial circumstances are not clear at best. The recent Annual Statement is a joke. It appears money is missing. The BOD and/or Vision refuse to provide information and answer our questions. Or perhaps they don’t know and don’t care. 
We are paying for ‘legal fees’ that seem to be personal costs and to protect Vision Enterprises (Peter Mesos.) We are paying other costs and expenses without requested explanation and/or authorization or consent. 
Not all Shareholders pay the same amount.
What?      Some pay less???        Yes! 
RE Taxes, utilities, water, union, union pension, etc. costs are increasing sharply. I am told we need roof repair/replacement. We face huge expenses to comply with local law #11. Our financial condition is disastrous (my opinion). Assessment, surcharges, etc. only partially disguise the problems we face. There are other outrageous fees, surcharges, expenditures, rules, regulations, etc. Attempts to get information about what is happening to our money were met with, “None of your business”. (A more polite way of saying,”GFY”.)
From Shareholders: There is no outcry for action.  Most Shareholders don’t appear to care or have any interest. Most Shareholders seem to be placid and ‘sheep like’. (Ideal victims.) 
*Note: The prior payments were made by instruction of the BOD and Vision Enterprises. Current payments are paid (?) by the current Management Company. The lawyer, BOD and both management companies are ‘bound’ by ‘fiduciary responsibilities’. The problem is the BOD hires the employees (Lawyers, Management, etc.).
The blog is to provide a forum, information center, Shareholder newsletter and act as an advocate for Shareholders. The Shareholders committee (VASC) should review what Management, the BOD, employees, etc. are doing.  
Economic crime involving Co-ops now exceeds one billion in NYS. And it is growing rapidly because Co-op Shareholders are ideal victims. The Queens DA Office informed me economic crimes involving Co-op/Condo Property Managers, Lawyers, service providers, vendors, etc. will be ‘handled’ and coordinated by the NYS Attorney General.  
“If you see or suspect something wrong, report it.”  The refusal of the BOD to provide requested information makes many believe very ‘bad stuff’ is happening.There are laws to protect Shareholders. Sadly, there are no laws against Shareholder stupidity.  
Attached is a letter to request information. Please write a similar letter and e-mail requests for information. We need records. If we suspect ‘wrongdoing’ or attempts to hide ‘bad stuff’, the NYSAG needs records. 
Attn: Jill Schachter                                 August 13, 2012
54-44 Little Neck Pkwy Little Neck, NY 11362

To: President and Members of the Board of Directors, Valerie Arms.
I am a Shareholder. I wish to see and review the following;
The Minutes of Board of Directors Meetings for the past 14 months (JUN 2011-AUG 2012).
Contracts and agreements currently in force.
 Invoices, bills and disbursements relating to Assessment #2 and/or Adam Bailey (aka Super Lawyer).
Invoices, bills and disbursement relating to use or payments to others for ‘professional services’.
To MGRE ... It will be appropriate and professional if all the requested documents and records are digitally recorded and can be delivered via e-mail. 
My name and contact info. A copy was sent to Scott Soifer (MGRE). 
Do something!


  1. Joel,
    You keep missing the point.

    We have a pool, a staff lounge and soon we will have our former Super's cemetery plot.

    With all of these things, why do we have to worry about little details like a roof, getting ripped off by Super Lawyer Adam Bailey or Jill Schachter running around the Valerie Arms as if she's the Chairman of the Board at Macy's?

  2. The legal fees are soley to keep Jill in power. But since this is not considered enriching herself, the DA will likely not act. She can run the building into bankruptcy by ignoring maintenance on the roof (last major repair was done in 1986), letting the pipes burst, the fire escapes rust, etc. The ONLY way to get her out is to collect proxies. Instead of complaining on blogs, at the pool, in the laundry room, get off your butts and COLLECT PROXIES. Start now, not two days before the meeting.

  3. Many shareholders very upset by election results.

    Numerous proxies collected for candidates who saw need to replace Board.

    Proxies solicited for weeks (not days) before the election.

    People asking questions about how votes were counted, whether Peter Mesos was limited to voting for two directors as required by the By Laws.

    People asking questions about what Jill Schachter was doing behind the table where the ballots were being counted.

    People who vote for Jill Schachter after she announces that a pool is more important than a roof get what they deserve anyway.

  4. Is anyone sure that we actually have a NEW Management Company??? They are unresponsive and rude to shareholders. Be aware shareholders are complaining and wondering if Jill Schachter is telling them who to pay attention to and who to ignore.

    1. Interesting point about who gets responses from MGRE and who does not.

      Hearing that Fran Rothkin is confronting shareholders who did not vote for her and asking why.

      How does she know how anyone voted?

      Be concerned that Jill Schachter reviewed ballots to compile an Enemies List.

  5. I see the Board of Directors is very busy this morning setting up for another one the many "Members Only" events at the pool.

    Since every shareholder paid for the repairs to the pool and every shareholder pays when the pool looses money every year, how come every shareholder isn't allowed to attend these events?

  6. What happened to “all” that money that was being collected so we could have a Memorial for our dear departed Julio??? (tombstone) in our courtyard? I saw that Alicia’s name was taken off the flyer begging for money at the end of July . Maybe she wasn’t doing a good enough job so Jill fired her and threw her off the Board. I know we’re only shareholders, so why should we know what’s going on at our coop? So much for honesty and transparency.

  7. Shareholders have been talking. The word is that Alicia Spiegel resigned from the board. When did the board plan on sharing this with the other shareholders??? Who replaced her??? When did she resign??? Who finished 6th in the election in June??? Shareholders asked but we will never know we are told it is non of our business!!

    1. You do not understand, none of this is any of your business.

      Who is on the Board is none of your business.

      What Jill Schachter was doing standing behind the table where ballots were being counted is none of your businees.

      Who the Treasurer might be is none of your busness.

      How much of your money Jill Schachter spent trying to cover up Peter Mesos's frauds is none of your business.

      How much of your money Jill Schachter has spent so far on the pool to pander to her fan club is none of your business.

      What was in the forensic accountant report is none of your business.

      How many non-owners live in the Valerie Arms is none of your business.

      Why some non-resident owners are being told to make sure to sign their tenants to three year leases is none of your business.

      Why some shareholders are being warned the sublet rule is going to change is none of your business.

      Why Fran Rothkin is stalking shareholders and asking why they didn't vote for her is none of your business.

      How Fran Rothkin knows who you voted for is none of your business.

      Most important of all: When the former Super's cemetary plot is going to be moved into your courtyard is none of your business.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. New signs are up at the Valerie announcing yet another shut off of the water supply for September 12.

    It's kind of amazing how many days we've had to go without water because of "necessary repairs", especially when you consider how many times the Board of Directors announced that there was "nothing wrong" with the water at the coop.

    Somebody needs to ask Jill Schachater how much or our money she spent trying to protect Peter Mesos while he was busy ripping us off and neglecting our building.

  10. Hasn't anyone noticed??? Wake up!! Wouldn 't you think with a new management company that someone would be overseeing the employees? I guess not! Not as long as Jill Schachter is in charge she won't let them. Take a good look! There is never anyone in the security booth? You have employees who work out in the gym on building time, employees on their cell phones during their working hours. A security guard who is allowed not to work as long as he spy's for Jill . He is allowed to speak and socialize on his job while working while Jill's friends clean off their vehicles and other tenants are not allowed to touch their vehicles on the premises. Who else can Jill Bribe. She protected a management company who she claims was not corrupt. So what do you have now?? A CORRUPT board. Be very aware that Jill and Fran Rothkin (Who is not on the booard ask her how she knows) know who you voted for. Word does get around ask Jills Friends. Ask Shirley Gold or Sylvia Kurak how they know that they also know who voted for Jill and who did not. WHY. If they know souldn't all shareholders know. Jill has her friends and her list of enemies . If you did not vote for Jill or Fran Rothkin it will be held against you. WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!!! Do something.

  11. Since even the rent stablized tenants know who voted for whom, why not insist that the results be published? Really they should be audited since many voters do not write neatly so that their ballots are open to interpretation. Legally does NY State really demand a secret ballot? Also while Jill's number one goal is to enhance the value of her 3 apts, she may not be the one who leaked the results. It may have been the big three opposition slate going around bragging about all of their proxies.

  12. It seems very unlikely that the "three opposition" candidates would be talking to Sylvia Kurak or Shirley Gold, who have made it very clear that they are members of the Jill Fan Club because cookie parties are much more important than repairing collapsed retaining walls of leaking roofs. Throw in Fran Rothkin running around and demanding to know why people who did not vote by proxy didn't vote for her and it's pretty obvious that Jill is busily working away on her enemies list.

    Don't you find it kind of interesting that Jill & Company refused to tell shareholders how many votes each candidate received, or even the order how the candidates finished?

  13. Is anyone aware that the board has your super and assistant super hand delivering your maintenance bills and all of the communication to you from the management company? I guarantee you that Jill Schachter will stand up in front of all shareholders and announce that she is having the bills and communication delivered to you at "NO COST TO YOU". Apparently Jill Schachter does not think that an hour to 2 hours of your Super and assistant Supers time is worth $113.00. That is the real cost to shareholders--is it worth it to take 2 building employees taken off their jobs so that the Super's Office is unattended for over an hour so that Jill can tell you (it is no cost to you) or that she is saving you $113.00 a month! When are the people who live in this co-op going to WAKE UP?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. People in this coop are not asleep, condition much worse.

      Board Member Jill Schachter trying to supplement her income from Macy's by renting empty apartment.

      Board Member Maggie from Atlanta trying to suck more money from Coop by renting empty apartment.

      Other friends of Jill and Maggie trying to suck more money from coop by renting empty apartments.

      Board warned by Management that there are too many sublets: ability of shareholders to find buyers who can get mortgages in jeopardy.

      Friends of Jill and Maggie warned to sublet quickly because sublet rule will be changed.

      When sublet rule changed after Jill, Maggie and friends find tenants will shareholders finally wake up?

      Jill steals indoor parking spot for Fran Rothkin to use. Will shareholders wake up?

      Proxies are reviewed for creation of enemies list. Will shareholders wake up?

      Retaining wall collapses in courtyard after being ignored because pool renovations more important. Will shareholders wake up?

      Security guard escorts strangers into coop who threaten shareholder. Board sees no problem. Will shareholders wake up when somebody gets hurt?

      Condition of shareholders is not slumber -- it is comatose.

  14. I saw Fran Rothkin parking in the indoor garage in the 40 building. She's been trying to weasel a spot in that garage for years.
    I'd love to know whose spot Board President Jill Schachter stole to give to Fran.

    1. Nothing new here, past board members (and 2 bedroom shareholders) have used their position on the board to get a parking spot. Jennifer Naliboff did this, Jack Kurek did this (despite the fact that he has NEVER had a car, not sure he can even drive), Jeannette kept taking spots from those who died to move closer to the 40 side door. Jill probably displaced a spot subletter for Fran.

    2. I don't know about Jennifer Naliboff, but she may have gotten her spot when she purchased her current apartment. (She sold a studio and purchased a larger apartment).

      Jack Kurek is a different story. He was GIVEN his spot by the sponsor (probably in exchange for not blowing the whistle on some something). Jack was voted off the Board as soon as shareholders found out what was going on.

      Whatever went on in the past, Board Members (and owners of two bedroom apartments) are NOT entitled to any special privileges. Board Members who take advantage of their position to benefit themselves or to bestow favors on their friends NEED TO BE VOTED OUT at the earliest opportunity.

    3. Have you noticed how one shareholder who also owns 3 apartments (only cares about the fact that he can collect rent and nothing else) has managed to get the use of 6-7 parking spots. (there are so many of them I can't keep track of them anymore) ??? Could it be that he is a friend of Jill's?? A friend of Harry Garris ?? He promised Jill all of his votes?? It is interesting how this shareholder also gets to wash his car and do mechanical repairs on the parking lot.

  15. New Board Minutes finally posted.

    Shareholders now allowed to see what Board is willing to admit it is doing as of August.

    Maggie from Atlanta (Board Secretary) apparently walking minutes to Little Neck from Georgia.

    Board treating itself to WiFi internet service in Boardroom. May explain why Jill Schachter in room constantly. Free access to high speed internet for Jill -- shareholders paying for her.

    Board discussing dogs in building. Did discussion include Barry Nelson constantly breaking House Rules with visiting dog?

    Jill and her toadies continue corrupt practices.

    Shareholders remain in coma.

  16. It is interesting that we can afford WIFI for JILL AND THE BOARD but cannot afford to have water in the gym. HMMMMMM!!!!!!!

    1. Maybe we should call the NYC health dept and find out if a gym is supposed to have water, as well as emergency medical equipment, a phone to call 911, new equipment instead of tossed out used equipment, an air conditioner that is not moldy, etc. Also, wonder if the shareholders are paying Maggie's phone bills and for flights between Atl and NY? Time for the board members to stop getting free gym and pool memberships for themselves and their families and domestic parthers.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. JUST VOTED ON!!!!!


  18. I saw the tech from Verizon FIOS installing the Board's high speed internet service and whatever other perks they are giving themselves in their meeting room today.

    Do you think the BOD will bother telling the rest of us shareholders how much of our money it is spending on this service? (I'm sure we'll get the "no cost to you" cover-up response). Is this one of the extra costs we are getting stuck with because Maggie from Atlanta is on our BOD? Will Jill Schachter have use of free WiFi (since she apparently can't figure out how to have Macy's pay for it)?

    I'd also love to know, how come we can afford FIOS for 5 Board Members but we can't afford water in the gym?

  19. Board probably signed a bulk deal with FIOS that gave them as a perk free cable in each of their apts and free wifi in the board room. Even after supposedly resigning, does Jill still have the free cable. Probably kept that because she waived her 3 proxies in the air. Did the locks to the board room get changed, was this done at no cost to you?

  20. The Board did not sign a bulk deal with FIOS that gave anyone free cable.

    The Board signed a contract with FIOS that generated substantial income for the Valerie Arms; no Board Member received any benefit from that contract.

    1. I want to make it cleat that the Board that negotiated the FIOS deal was NOT the current board. The previous board made the decision to bring Verizon into the building in order to give shareholders an alternative to Time Warner and to generate much needed income for the coop.

      Who knows what would have happened if Jill and her three proxies were involved in this decision?

  21. So in other words the shareholders are paying for the bod to have wifi. We can't afford water in the gym but we can shell out this money probably because they need to let Maggie from Atlanta video conference herself in for board meetings. I wouldn't be surprised if some of the miscellaneous expenses include Maggie's wifi since she " needs it for board purposes".

  22. Good point about the lock and key. No one has caused more trouble or has been more "CORRUPT" at the Valerie then Jill SCHACHTER. Change the lock and keep her out!!!

  23. Jill Schachter resigns from the Board of Directors and 10 days later we get notice that the coop has fired the incompetent exterminator that her friends at our old management company (Vision Enterprises) had stuck us with.

    Is that a coincidence or did Jill's ability to supplement her income from Macy's just go down?

  24. Jill Schachter resigned as President of the Board of Directors two weeks ago and we still have no clue who replaced her. Don't you think we are entitled to know?

    For the 20 years before Jill was elected to the Board by the Sponsor/Peter Mesos (who knows what she got in exchange for spending thousands of dollars of our money fighting to help him keep control of our building?) every time a Board Member resigned, his/her replacement was announced immediately.

    Since Jill and her toadies took over, changes are made in secret. Announcements about somebody reigning get put up all over the building, but we get told nothing about who the new Board Member is.

    Last time Jill pulled this, we were blessed with Maggie from Atlanta (she spends LESS THAN TWO WEEKS A YEAR IN NEW YORK).

    WHAT IS THE BOARD HIDING? Are we going to get stuck with Jill's friend/toady Fran Rothkin, who we voted off last election?

    This whole thing just stinks of corruption.

  25. Well, today it was made official.

    Jill Schachter's toady Fran Rothkin was named to the Board Of Directors -- even though we voted her off at our last election.

    We also know why the Board refused to announce the actual election results in June. Michael Ciotta obviously finished 6th but this board cannot afford to have anyone with his integrity interfere with their schemes.

    The stench of corruption is overwhelming.

  26. Fran Rothkin appointed to the Board of Directors . . . again.

    Rothkin has run for BOD three times - AND LOST THREE TIMES.

    Rothkin incapable of being elected, even with her friend Schachter running dishonest election.

    Complete and total disrespect for shareholders.

    What is the secrets is the Board hiding that only Rothkin can be trusted with?

  27. Jill Schachter resigns from the Board of Directors and two weeks later we get a letter from the Board telling us that our finances are a disaster?

    If you think this is a coincidence, then I've got a bridge to sell you.

    We are now all paying the price for Jill's 18 month thoughtless spending binge ($40,000+ on a pool that looses money instead of leak repairs) and her wasting thousands of out dollars trying to defend her friend Peter Mesos after his company mismanaged our building for 30 years.

    Just like Peter, when the chickens are coming home to roost, Jill Schachter cuts and runs and we are left holding the bag.

  28. If global political leaders don’t change course and abandon austerity, we could be looking at an ‘L’ shaped economy for years to come. The G8 and G20 meetings ought to be discussing a co-ordinated stimulus to kick-start a rapid recovery.
    Dirk Kettlewell

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